Chapter 5 – Input Devices

Mouse and Keyboard:

A keyboard is an important part of the computer. The small buttons on the keyboard are called keys.

Different Types of Keys in Keyboard:

Alphabet Keys

Number Keys

Special Keys


  1. A mouse is a pointing device attached to a computer.

  2. It is used to point and select items on the computer screen.

  3. It is also used while playing games and making drawings.

Types of Computer Mouse:

There are different types of mouse available.

  1. Two button mouse

  2. Three button mouse

  3. Scroll mouse

Scroll Mouse:

  1. A scroll mouse has a scroll wheel in the middle of the left and right button.

  2. Scroll wheel helps you to move up and down in a page.

Scroll wheel can be of two types:

  1. Ball Mouse

  2. Optical Mouse

Ball Mouse

Optical Mouse

How to Click the Mouse?

Lesson Intro Video

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