Chapter 3 – Different Parts of the Computer

Parts of Computer:

Like we human beings have our body parts to do different tasks, a computer also has parts to perform different tasks.

Main Parts of Computer:

There are four main parts of a computer.






  1. A monitor looks like a TV Screen.

  2. It displays pictures, text, movies etc on screen.

  3. It is also called Visual Display Unit (VDU).

  4. It displays information generated by computer.


  1. Mouse of a computer is a pointing device which looks like a real mouse.

  2. It has two click buttons and one scroll wheel.

  3. The movement of the cursor on the screen depends on the direction of rolling the mouse on the mouse pad.

  4. An arrow-like figure that appears on the monitor is called a mouse pointer.








CPU – Central Processing Unit:

  1. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

  2. It is the main unit of a computer for processing data.

  3. It is also known as brain of computer.

  4. CPU controls all the activities of computer.

  5. CPU contains power ON button, disk drives, powers slot and many connectors.



















  1. Keyboard is used for data input.

  2. It looks like a typewriter.

  3. It has many keys including, 26 Alphabet keys, 9 numeric keys, 12 function keys, arrow keys, special keys, and so on.

  4. It is used to type alphabets, numbers and symbols.










Some Additional parts of a computer:

  1. Printer - Used to print documents on paper

  2. Scanner - Used to scan documents

  3. Speaker - Used to listen music

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